Civilera provides civil engineering projects experience through training programmes. Civil engineering workshops and projects make students job ready. We train students on best civil engineering projects that we are consulting in our design office. We focus on innovative civil engineering projects and the same projects are offered to students for learning and practice through out the training.

Civil Project based training content
We offer project based training for students of civil engineering.
Many colleges and universities have made use of these training in different ways. Now these project training is available as group workshops online and direct as listed in the section below. Students can also initiate this through colleges and universities.

Civil Engineering Workshops
We conduct civil engineering workshops online aswell as direct in colleges. The structural engineering workshops focus in solving a specific structural or civil related problem that enhances the skills of students. Civil workshop topics are carefully chosen to meet the objective of the workshop.
Workshop in colleges are organised by the college authorities.These are often conducted as 3 to 5 days sessions in college to meet the students objectives like mini project for civil engineering where we help the students to finish a project.We offer civil engineering workshops where students can discuss the various civil engineering project topics and choose one from the list we provide.We only provide guidance to meet the industry standards.The student will be doing the project under the college professor/guide.

Online Workshops
Focus a specific structural topic
Series of online civil workshops
Quick civil design workshops
Civil engineering knowledge sharing workshops
Technical webinars in structures
Civil Engineering discussion forums

Direct Workshops in College
Workshops to discuss civil engineering career.
Workshops as part of structural elective subject
Workshop to choose civil mini projects
Civil engineering final year projects dicussions
MTech final year project topic discussion
MTech final Thesis presentation discussion
Who can make use of Civil Engineering Workshops
We mainly offer the direct workshops in civil engineering to colleges and corporates who wants to make use of our experience.
These structural workshops cover creative ideas for civil engineering projects and are helpful to all civil engineering students and Structural engineering students.All these are project guidance only to enable students to understand the industry requirements.
We only guide the college and the students to do a real project.
We offer consulting to Colleges and Universities for the below listed items.
Identifying civil engineering projects for students that are beneficial for their future career.
Detailing Projects for diploma in civil engineering to make them ready with real project detailing experience.
Consulting for identifying Software for civil engineering students that are popularly used in structural consulting firms.
Workshop to structure final year project report for civil engineering in a professional consulting way.
Example Topics for Civil Engineering Workshops
Mtech Structural Engineering Projects workshop
In the workshops that suits Mtech Structural Engineering thesis,we cover the civil engineering project ideas and concepts of analysis and design and all the required software guidance needed for the project. Some of the civil engineering projects for final year students can be as listed below.
Dynamic Analysis of Veritically irregular Buildings.
Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis of Horizontally Irregular Buildings.
Comparison of analysis of buildings with re-entrant corners and after splitting it witj joints.
Disproportionate collapse control of Buidings by bridging after key member removal.
Soil Structure interaction studies.
Final year Project topic for Civil Engineering
In the workshops that suits BE Civil Engineering ,we can cover midrise building projects.Even structural software based workshops can cover some of the skills needed to complete mini projects for civil engineering students.
Major project for civil engineering 8th semester can be one among the below.
Static Seismic Analysis of Building structures.
Structural Analysis of Buildings with and with out shear walls.
Analysis and design of Industrial Buildings in steel.
Structural Analysis and design of foundations like raft.
Civil Engineering Projects for Diploma Students
Diploma in Civil Engineering is as important as BE ot BTech in civil engineering and we have seen that many are left out with out proper training.The competetion in the industry with engineers have left them with less options.We have special workshops to help them to understand the job opportunities. With the large number of engineers available in the market, it becomes very important for the diploma students to upskill. The civil engineering project topics for diploma students are carefully structured to train them in essential detailing rules and barbending schedule preparation which is emerging as a freelance job opportunity.
Mini projects for civil engineering diploma students can be a detailing project of a small building.
Diploma final year project topics for civil engineering can be a full project detailing using Revit Structures.
Barbending schedule preparation to tight tolerance and shape codes
Tips for Civil final year project
We have extensive experience in consulting real life projects.One of our founders,Susmitha has also been an Associate Professor in civil engineering and has extensive experience in guiding students in studies and project topics for civil engineering students. The combined experience that we have in consulting of building design projects and teaching has helped us impart a complete different style of learning and project experience for you. Some tips for civil engg projects for students based on our experience is as mentioned below. These design project ideas for civil engineering students were discussed with industry experts and also with professors and hence will provide you insights on the project topics that can be focused for your benefit.
Civil engineering topics for final year project should be carfully decided to ensure benefit for the student and to the society as a whole.There is no point in choosing just a research based project that has no value addition to the individual doing the project.It should either benefit the student in his future work life or it should bring a revolutionary change in the society by adopting a new technology.
Experimental project for civil engineering should be taken up if and only if the student is determined to do enough number of iterations of the experiment to conclude a result that clearly demonstrate a benefit. Such projects can be some times stressful and will not suit all students.Also the experiment as mentioned in the point above shall be always practically executable and should not be some thing that remains in theory.
Time has changed and main project for civil engineering final year essentially need not be design oriented always.Students can take up BIM related projects where they demonstrate the advancement in BIM and how it can be used for co-ordination and real time change management.Often professors are reluctant to approve BIM and detailing based projects. However this is an unavoidable change that should be brought in to the students project lists. After all how we do project matters and the students should know this process and innovate this process aswell by research.
Major project topics for civil engineering can be broader. Many times professors insist that an already executed type of project shall not be reproduced. Teachers should be sensitive to this particular point.New civil engineering projects of same type can be adopted if the scale of the project is larger and if the complication and challenge is different. Site interface complications can be discussed in projects and it need not just focus on software and research.
If you read any Civil engineering project topics with journals published by Indian students, you always see only research oriented papers.The topics can be on a new technology and construction simplifcation.
The project need not be on structural analysis and design always.Final year project on building construction can focus on alternate construction methods such as precast which is getting popularity.This also enhances the employability of civil engineering students.
Mini projects for civil engineering need not be very elaborate as it is mostly during the initial semesters. Students can focus on putting a building together which helps them to identify construction sequences.Mini projects for civil engineering 2nd year can be similar to the above point or even focus on simple detailing of members.When it comes to mini projects for civil engineering 3rd year, it can be a bit analysis or design oriented as the students are exposed to more design topics by that time.
Have seen may civil diploma project focusing on analysis and design aswell. Many consulting firms now do not allow a diploma student to do analysis.At the best they get a chance do modelling in software.The civil diploma students should focus on detailing more and in addition to doing the project in CAD or Revit, they can master all the detailing rules and methods and the basics of BBS production which is emerging as a major business due to increasing use of pre cut bars for real projects at site.
Lastly, any civil engineering project on building can focus on alternate materials,green materials,how can a building reduce its carbon footprints and many similar topics.Also students can adopt international code of practice for structural design which will increase their employability.